Tarun Dixit

Tarun Dixit

Tarun Dixit

A UI/UX Designer who simplifies complex business problems with a touch of process, creativity & experience.

A UI/UX Designer who simplifies complex business problems with a touch of process, creativity & experience.

A UI/UX Designer who simplifies complex business problems with a touch of process, creativity & experience.

Companies I've Designed for

Companies I've Designed for

Tools I Use

Tools I Use

Skills & Specializations

Skills & Specializations

Data Visualization

UX Writing



User Research

Visual Design

My Design Philosophy is to craft Product experiences that are empathic & enjoyable. I believe users must feel heard & taken care of at every step of their journey and that can only be achieved through continuous research, iterations & feedback cycles.

My Design Philosophy is to craft Product experiences that are empathic & enjoyable. I believe users must feel heard & taken care of at every step of their journey and that can only be achieved through continuous research, iterations & feedback cycles.

My Design Philosophy is to craft Product experiences that are empathic & enjoyable. I believe users must feel heard & taken care of at every step of their journey and that can only be achieved through continuous research, iterations & feedback cycles.

More About Me

More About Me

Like most Product Designers in the industry, I have a peculiar background too. I majored in Geography & minored in Computer Science at Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi. While I always had a knack for Design, building a career in it was purely incidental! Read more about how I got into Product Design here.

When I'm not designing, I enjoy diving into history books & documentaries, embracing and celebrating new cultures through travel & videography, experimenting with new technology, playing & analyzing beautiful game, and weaving stories.

Capturing life as I love it

Capturing life as I love it

Capturing life as I love it

I design for the sweet spot where users, technology & business goals meet.

© 2023 Tarun Dixit | Designing Today's Ideas

I design for the sweet spot where users, technology & business goals meet.

© 2023 Tarun Dixit | Designing Today's Ideas

I design for the sweet spot where users, technology & business goals meet.

© 2023 Tarun Dixit | Designing Today's Ideas